The games i like….

I really like geeky things – geeky games in particular, so a game with a fantasy or sci-fi setting always gets my attention.  Although i tend to like games that have a role-playing focus or some kind of epic story, or just games that have really good immersion and make the players feel like they are IN the game.

Card games like Android: Netrunner and Star Wars both succeed in these areas – netrunner immerses the player in the cyberpunk world of the hacker vs the mega corp.  and Stars Wars is the epic struggle of the light side vs the dark side.

I also enjoy miniature games like Warmachine and Hordes (more on them later), as well as X-Wing, and Star Trek Attack Wing (although i haven’t played this one yet it, i really excited to try it as it uses a slightly modified version of the x-wing rules system)

Some of my favourite board games are Battlestar Galactica (it is co-op with a traitor mechanic), Eclipse, D&D Castle Ravenloft, Runebound, and I’d really love to play Lords of Waterdeep and Fury of Dracula (got it but haven’t played it yet).


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